Thursday, 23 February 2012

A perfect Orange day...:)

I was (ashamingly) surprised how much one can teach a child through the actual daily life. After several years of trying to homeschool, I keep on preaching that homeschooling is not a way of education, it is a way of life. But unfortunately I rarely apply that in my daily life. Anyway, today we decided it will be a perfect Orange day. :) As we cooked recipes of orange cake, orangina and orange marmelade, Assoumi learned more math than he could have sitting at the desk with the math textbooks in front of him and me loosing my patience at every single error. He learned searching in the index by pages, reading the words (so English), explaining the fractions....and memorized the recipes lol! it was easy and fun! We gathered the oranges from the garden, thus physical education along with fun was just a logical time-spending. From youtube we downloaded a russian song on oranges and memorized it...:)

the only thing that is bothering me now is that we should have written some book on oranges, but as my inside (mean) voice is nagging on me, trying to make me feel guilty, I remind myself of what I think must be my goal in life "Do only those things that come to you naturally! "

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